Friday, August 12, 2016

Copycat Pizza Factory Breadtwists (Round 2)

I tried a recipe for these awesome breadtwists once before, but the dough was a giant pain to work with. So I was hopeful that these would taste just as good, but be much easier to make.

The dough was easy enough to make.

The recipe said to let the dough rise for a bit at this point, but I'm pretty sure it didn't. (Technically the recipe actually says "raise", but dough does not raise. It rises. I died a little inside every time the recipe said to let the dough raise. Shudder. End grammatical rant.) Anyway, I rolled it out and spread on some garlic butter.

I folded it in half and cut it into pieces and twisted them. It was at this point that I remembered I didn't have any cookie sheets available so I had to use my half sheet pan. I got ten breadtwists out of the recipe, but I had to bake them in batches.

I didn't have the kind of parmesan cheese required for these, and I figured the shredded real stuff would work just as well. I was wrong. It did not stick to them nearly as well so lesson learned. In the case of these breadtwists, use the fake stuff in a shaker. Anyway, the end result was rather bland. The original recipe I tried is definitely better. I guess I just need to find a way to make that dough less of a pain to work with. 2 stars. However, I do plan to shape them in the method this recipe uses as it is much easier than wrapping the dough around dowels.


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