Thursday, September 24, 2015

Copycat Pizza Factory Breadsticks

Anyone who has ever been to Pizza Factory knows about their amazing twisty breadsticks. They're pretty much the main reason I'll go there. And since I was feeling lazy about dinner and decided to just bake a frozen pizza, I figured it'd be a good time to give these a try and make things feel a little more special.

I mixed up the dough in my stand mixer and it was super sticky. So I followed the advice on her blog and added a tablespoon of flour. Still sticky. Added another tablespoon. Still sticky. Figured maybe the dough would get less sticky after it had time to rise.

It did not. This dough is a pain and a half to work with, folks. It didn't matter how much I floured my hands and counter, this dough stuck to everything. I was almost ready to give up on this project because of how frustrated I was. But, I persevered for the sake of this blog and rolled the dough into snakes that were too long. :P
(You can see it sticking to my counter in the closest piece. I also halved the recipe since there's only two of us.)

I probably should have just called them good as is and not bothered to try to twist them onto skewers. But I didn't.
As you can see, they got quite thick at the bottom because of the extra length. This picture doesn't show it entirely (thank goodness) but trust me when I say they were not the beauties you receive at the restaurant.

After I let them rise again, they looked even worse. So I decided to abandon the hanging them idea and just lay the breadsticks in my pan and let them have a flat edge instead of being round on all sides.
Don't they

Coming out of the oven, they didn't look quite as bad, but still not what I had originally hoped for.

I don't have a cute little bucket or anything to put them in, so you'll have to settle for my hand (with acrylic nails that are currently a bit too long for my liking) holding one.

Now here's my dilemma. They're sooo good! I don't know if I'd say they're exactly like Pizza Factory's (I don't think theirs have rosemary) but they're really tasty. But the dough is SUCH a pain!! Sigh...I just don't know. If I was judging only on taste, it'd be an easy 4 stars. Husband really likes them too. But I do have to dock points because of how annoying this dough was to work with. So overall, I guess I'll say 3 stars.

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